Pet Portraits
Pet Portrait is a lovely way to immortalise a beloved pet, either for
yourself or as a unique and thoughtful gift.
Below you can see a few pet portraits which were painted as commissions. If you would like a portrait of your pet all you have to do is email a few photos, along with any questions you may have and say roughly what size you'd like (as a guide, the most usual are 20 x 30 cm or 30 x 40cm - see the page on pricing and choosing the size). You can choose to have your pet portrait painted in either watercolour or acrylic.(see the page on Watercolours versus Acrylics) We can chat by email or telephone about the details and when your painting is done you'll receive an email with a photo of your painting for you to approve and the original will be posted to you.
Acrylic painting of Tilly above
and Watercolour below
The background can be as simple or as detailed as you want and can be coloured to your taste .

Watercolour of Sandy above
Below is the photograph it was taken from

On the left is the painting of Jack and Beryl, two cute schnauzers and below are the two photographs which were combined to bring them together.
Artistic licence means pets who never knew each other can be placed together and backgrounds can be changed completely or an unattractive feature in the background can be left out. This is true also of house portraits where unattractive features such as overhead cables or rubbish bins can be omitted.
Above is the painting of Lara and below the photograph it was taken from.